Letter dated 27 February 1955

My Dear Sister,
Well I guess you are beginning to wonder if I'm ever going to write again, how did Betty get married so far no photos or cake, had quite a nice letter from Cissie also a book on County Surrey which arrived on my birthday, she also stated Mother is resting comfortably, it is nice to know everyone is rallying to her side I'd like to pay you a visit but at this time its almost impossible to say when, although since last writing I'm glad to say I'm feeling much better and we have had a very mild winter - plenty of Sun some days in the 70s a little too warm for this time of the year. Now there are too questions I would like you to answer if Betty married what would she like for a wedding present and being Cissie was so kind as to send me a book do you know of anything I can send her. Well I guess this just about covers all for now, enclosed check is for Mother, do as you think fit with it. So with fondest to you and lots of love

"Adios" from your affectionate brother Harold "Buck"